Monday, January 8, 2007

We are the Temple

Our God holds the universe in His hands, and yet, not a sparrow falls from the sky without His knowing it. He knows every hair of our head, every secret tear, every unseen moment, he is above us, below, behind and in front. The children of Israel's darkest nights were guided by fire and a pillar of cloud to protect them from the heat of the day. Jesus is the fire of our life, He is our protecting cloud.

In the Old Testament, God poured out fire from heaven and we were touched by His presence. Two thousand years ago, He sent an all consuming fire to walk the earth. And although our Lord Jesus returned to His rightful place at the right hand of our Heavenly Father, the fire of our life came and dwelt in the very midst of our new hearts. If we will take the fire of our hearts and cover it with the lens of the Holy Spirit, then the fire will be magnified and we will send up a beam of light that searches the heavens. And our heavenly Father says this, "I will be found by those who search for me."

What a magnificent sight, if we could see with our spiritual eyes, a million beams of light, all pointing up to the heavens from whence our help does come. And so, when once the fire came down and we were raptured in the presence of the almighty God, now, the fire is sent up from the hearts of believers and the Lord joins us in the air and we are raptured, lifted up and we commune with Him. This is the very essence of life. It is for this purpose that we were created in the first place. This holy union, this state of perfection, man and God united in perfect harmony by the conduit of the Holy Spirit who has magnified the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts.

How many of us know that the Temples of old were magnificently adorned? The way men glorify their status and power and signify their wealth is to be found in their dwelling places. The richer a man is, the more elaborate is his surroundings. He fills his house with symbols of his wealth and status. Men will go to any lengths to extract riches from the earth. They will dig and mine, remove mountains, literally move heaven and earth in his search for riches and gold.

The man of God also decorates his temple, the temple of the Holy Spirit, with riches. His dwelling place will be no less elaborate that the richest men of the earth. He will decorate his temple with the finest gold of unconditional love. His walls are encrusted with the jewels of forgiveness and mercy. His windows are draped with opulent coverings of meekness and humility. Trophies of grace hang on every wall. They are framed with the finest materials of patience and kindness.
Let us ask ourselves this question, do we pursue the riches and the glories of heaven with the same vigor and single-mindedness that men here on earth pursue gold and silver? And the treasures that we have attained in Christ, do we protect them with all the resources that we have? Do we value the treasures of our heart in the same way men value their wealth? There is a direct correlation between how much we value something to the lengths we will go to protect it. Guard your hearts brothers and sisters in Christ, for we have an enemy who seeks to steal and destroy what we have. Satan knows the value of what we have oftentimes more than we do.

We need to fully realize the treasures that we posses and the power that lies in our treasures. We have the weapons in our treasures to destroy all the works of the adversary, and he knows it well. That is why there is an unrelenting battle to take what is ours by force, but here is the good news, the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Body of Christ.

Share your treasure this day, the more we give our treasures to those who have none, the more our treasures increase. The word says "He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might, He strengthens them." We have been called to empower the weak, to bind the hearts of the brokenhearted, those who are weakened, we come along side and strengthen. We have been called to wipe the tears of those who mourn, to grieve with them. Let us move in Christ brothers and sisters, and know that it is He that goes before us. Together we will build the most glorious dwelling place, and in that place we shall be married, the bride and the bridegroom, and God the Father will cause us to be forever joined in a glorious eternal matrimony and we will be one in the one from above.