This particular subject has always been in my spirit. Its always a controversial subject and I respect other views on how we as the Christian community handle the issues of money. Some believe wholeheartedly in the tithing system while others believe that this system was part of the Old Covenant and is not part of the New Covenant. I have a view on that subject but I believe that is a different debate. The one group I do not respect are the "peddlers of the Gospel." These are wicked men indeed and they will hear these terrifying words "depart from me you workers of iniquity for I never knew you."
Peddlers come in many forms and can be found in many parts of Christendom. Some areas of the Church are more infested than others, sad to say, the part I truly identify with, the "Pentecostals," for lack of a better phrase, seems to have the most peddlers. I believe that is because the people in these circles, generally, have good sensitive hearts, therefore they are more easily manipulated by "wolves in sheeps clothing." When you always want to think the best of someone or people in general(this is a truly great state to be in) then you are more likely to be burned by hustlers.
The prosperity Gospel , so called, has the most members of this infamous club. And so, I will try and dispel some myths about who we are as Christians, and what God wants for His people. I would like you to consider the following statistics. These statistics can be found on the "World Challenge,Inc," webpage which is the home page of David Wilkersons Ministries, a highly respected worldwide ministry......................
6.5 Billion people live on planet Earth
1.5 Billion people live on 23 cents a day
2 Billion people live without electricity
80% of the population of the world live in substandard housing.
1 Billion people are without safe drinking water
Every 16 seconds someone dies of hunger.
57 million people died in 2006
10.5 million of these were children under 5
Now brothers and sisters consider these stats........
$8 Billion yearly on cosmetics in the USA
$11 Billion yearly on ice cream in Europe
$17 Billion yearly on pet food in Europe and USA
$105 Billion on alcohol in Europe.
When you look at the numbers, and then you consider that we, in Johnson County , the third or fourth richest county in America, which is the richest country in the world, then we are amongst the richest people in the planet, in the history of the planet. The poorest amongst us are richer than most of the people of the world. Now we know that God is not only the God of America, that He is the God of the whole world. We know that God so loved this world, this whole world, that He gave His only Son to die for it, that was the measure of His sacrifice. So what do you think God thinks when He hears the richest people in the world, a world that is predominantly poor, crying out for more riches and for God to bless them more? The logic for this I am told is so that we can win the world for Christ. If God will just enrich us, then we can use those resources to win the world for Him. Yet, as we have already seen, we are already the richest people on the planet in the history of the planet.
1Ti 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
1Ti 6:7 For we brought nothing into the world, and it is clear that we can carry nothing out.
1Ti 6:8 But having food and clothing, we will be content.
1Ti 6:9 But they who will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which plunge men into destruction and perdition.
In 1Tim 6:9 we can clearly see that those "who will be rich," those who desire to be rich are in extreme danger. It does not say that some who would be rich, the mere desire to be rich, regardless of your motivations, is sinful and tempting disaster upon your spiritual life. What it does say is that we are to be content by merely having food and clothing, and when you consider the world statistics, what great advice is this?Heb 13:5 Let your way of life be without the love of money, and be content with such things as you have, for He has said, "Not at all will I leave you, not at all will I forsake you, never!"
So, is there something wrong with people who are rich? Absolutely not. Some are born rich and some by hard work and diligence and integrity become rich.These attributes are Godly and we are compelled by the Scriptures to work hard even when the boss is not looking, we should work as unto God. So it is not riches in and of themselves that are sinful, but it the desire to be rich. The problem is that there is teaching in the Church to the contrary. We are taught by certain leaders not to be content with our position( a violation and a contradiction of Scripture) The logic that they give is that in order for the Gospel to be preached and the lost to be won for Christ we need resources. And, quite conveniently enough, the way to get Gods resources, to enrich yourself, in order to do Gods work(we have already seen that the desire itself to be rich is ungodly) is to give generously, and give generously to them. If we give generously to them then we will be rewarded perhaps a hundredfold or more. So the very premise of their teachings is wrong.
How do today's modern day peddlers compare to the saints of old? The people who actually turned the world upside down for Christ.
Hudson Taylor is a great hero of mine. For those of you who do not know him, he was one of the greatest Missionaries that the Body of Christ has produced. He founded China Inland Missions and brought the Gospel to the vast interior of China when it was a vast unknown territory back in the 1860s and he did so for the following four decades. He lost three children and a wife to the extremes of living in China at that time. Hudson Taylor never allowed a collection in his whole career. Now would he allow subscriptions. There was a monthly periodical but there was never any request for money, he depended upon faith in God. In one famous incident in Herefordshire in England at a service convened and ran by a Colonel Puget. Now, even although it seemed strange to Colonel Puget, the service had been advertised with the announcement that there would be no collection at the service. Well the service got going and the Holy Spirit was moving and the congregation were greatly affected by Hudson Taylor's sermon. Colonel Puget realized at the end of the service that the people, because they were greatly moved, would give generously so he decided to overrule Mr Taylor and announced a collection. Mr Taylor stood to his feet and here is the quote from his book
"It was his earnest desire that the hearers should go away burdened. Money was not the chief thing in the Lords work, especially money easily given under the influence of emotion. Much as he appreciated their kind intention, he would far rather have each go home to ask the Lord very definitely what He should have them do. If it were to give of their substance, they could send a contribution to their own or any other society, but in view of the appalling facts of heathenism, it might be more costly gifts the Lord was seeking, perhaps the life service of one's own son or daughter. No amount of money could save a single soul. What was wanted was that men and women filled with the Holy Spirit should give themselves to the work of China and to the work of prayer at home. For the support of God sent missionaries would never be lacking.
"You made a great mistake , if I may say so, remarked the host at supper. "The people were really interested, we might have had a good collection."
Mr Taylor tried in vain to explain his standard. The next morning his host came down rather late for breakfast. He explained that he could not sleep all night as he thought about all the souls of China going to hell not having heard the Gospel. He handed Mr Taylor a check for 500 pounds,an amount that today would be worth several thousand dollars and told him that if he had given at the collection the night before he would have given 5 pounds.
Let me say this brothers and sisters, the God of Hudson Taylor, the God of 150 years ago, is the same God today. The principals have not changed. Mr Taylor used to say that God did not beg for money and neither should his ministers.
The Wesley Brothers, who founded the Methodist church, were men of equal integrity. When the more famous brother died, he left behind $7, an old cloak and a Bible, and of course the Methodist church and a thousand glorious hymns to the glory of Jesus. These were men who were wholly dependent upon Jesus for everything and they shook the world. Mr Taylor only ever traveled in third class, how does that compare to the "leaders," of today who have their own private jets? These same leaders of the peddlers movement live in mansions and compounds ranging from $2 million to $5 million.
As in all things we have to look to Scripture for the final word on all things. What does the New Testament have to say about riches and the desire for money. In Mark 12:41 We have the famous story of the widows mite. This story was told in the context of bewaring of the Pharisee. 1Tim 6:10 is also a well know Scripture, it talks about the love of money being the root of all evil. Much has been taught on this scripture, especially by people who love money, yet the context is being content with what you have. Matt 13:22 talks about the deceit of riches and the context is anxiety, fearfulness and how this desire for money chokes out the word and those who run after it become unfruitful. In Mark 10:23 Jesus explains how difficult it is , nigh impossible, for a rich man to enter heaven, yet all we ever really hear preached is how nothing is impossible for God, which of course is true but Jesus had a purpose in stating what He did, it was a warning. In Luke 16:13 it states "Luk 16:13 No servant can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Luk 16:14 And being money-lovers, all the Pharisees also heard all these things. And they derided Him.
Luk 16:15 And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
Can you see what Jesus was saying? The Pharisees were money lovers. Yet the Pharisees had the reputation for living frugal lives. The Pharisaical spirit will always have to explain itself to men in regard to money, "But God knows their hearts," and what is taught by these men is an "abomination in the sight of God." Here is what Rev 3 says about a rich church...................
Rev 3:14 And to the angel of the church of the Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Head of the creation of God, says these things:
Rev 3:15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot.
Rev 3:16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
Rev 3:17 Because you say, I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, and do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked,
Rev 3:18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold purified by fire, so that you may be rich; and white clothing, so that you may be clothed, and so that the shame of your nakedness does not appear. And anoint your eyes with eye salve, so that you may see.
So what are the riches that we should desire ? Let us see what Scripture has to say. Romans 11:33 says that the wisdom and knowledge are riches of God. Ephesians 1:7 says that His grace is riches. Eph 1:18 talks about the riches of His glory.Eph 3:8 says that Christ is true riches.Col 2:2 says that "full assurance," is true riches. Heb 11:26 says that the "reproach of Christ," is greater riches than all the treasure of Egypt. Romans 10:12 says that to be rich is to be able to "call on Him." Eph 2:4 says that we are rich in the mercy and love of God.
So what we should truly hunger after and desire is this, the wisdom and knowledge of God, and we should revel in His great mercy and His glory. We should desire to be identified with His sufferings and we should know that we are rich because we can call on Him and that we have full assurance of salvation. Yet most of all, we should glory in the Living God that we are rich in His love. Brothers and sisters, I urge you not to hunger after the riches of this world, regardless of your motivations, it is not a Godly desire. Hunger after the true riches and in this you will find peace and contentment. Some say we should desire wealth so that we can further the Kingdom, some say we should desire more wealth so that we can wear $700 shoes and Italian suits worth 2 or 3 thousand dollars and that this glorifies God. In light of Scripture I ask you to consider the matter and let the Lord lead and guide you into all truth. It is men and woman , rich in the true riches of God that will change this world...................may His name be praised.................Frank
Thursday, April 19, 2007
A Vision From God
Over the last few weeks I have thought about young people. People in their late teens, people in the their twenties and thirties. My own twenty-three year old son’s troubles have perhaps brought it more clearly into focus and at the least, it has made my spirit more sensitive to the Lord’s heart on this issue. That was the context of the Holy Spirit moving my heart with a vision that was horrific, but at the same time it was inspiring.
My wife and I and my youngest son were in St Louis for a weekend break a couple of weeks ago. We were driving from the hotel to listen to the St Louis Symphony on a Saturday night and the Holy Spirit came upon me. As usual this would not be a time of my choosing J yet I know from experience that the Holy Spirit is not a respecter of time.I kept on driving and I knew my wife was talking but I was caught up in the Spirit. Tears were falling from my face and the car was pretty dark so my wife did not notice. The Holy Spirit continued to move in my Spirit for the next couple of hours, all through the performance, and came in waves, one “scene,” unfolding after another. The grandness of the orchestra seem to only heighten my experience. I am sure people around me may have thought that I was deeply moved by the music, and the truth is I was somewhere else altogether.
The beginning of the vision was a loud booming voice calling all Christians to awake , “Awake you sleepy Christians.” “Who will ascend Gods Holy Hill? Those with a pure heart and clean hands. This was scene 1, a call to arms. Then the second scene unfolded. I saw thousands of baby turtles heading from the dunes towards the sea. They had a wide beach ahead of them. Before most of them could cross the beach and reach the water they were attacked by birds of every kind. The power of the air had come to attack them, seagulls by the hundreds making a horrendous shrieking noise as they feasted on their helpless prey. Birds of every kind joined the attack, swooping down and pecking and carrying the baby turtles off. Then from the dunes from where they came, came raccoons and critters of every kind to join in the frenzy and drag these hapless baby turtles away. Just when I thought the slaughter could not get worse, out from under the sand came crabs, crabs with large pincers which tore into the turtles and they dragged them into holes in the sand to be devoured. As all of this was going on, I could see Scripture framing this whole scene. “Many are called but few are chosen,” “Broad is the road that leads to destruction, narrow is the path that leads to life.”
Suddenly the scene changes, I am on a beach, but it is the scene from Saving private Ryan. Death was all around me. Young men being killed right where I stood and the severely wounded all around, desperately seeking for a place to hide, for some kind of barrier to protect them from the onslaught. There were kids with there innards hanging out and they were trying to stop them from spilling onto the beach, while screaming for their mothers. Men with their limbs blown of, the one man walking around in shock with his right hand carrying his left arm which had been blown off.
Suddenly the scene changes again. There is a Rock with a sword embedded into it. This sits right in the middle of an arena, like Kemper or arrowhead. This is also the scene from Braveheart.On strolls a man that is dressed like William Wallace in the scene from the movie where he addresses his vastly outnumbered army who are thinking about fleeing from the battle. The man, who is actually Jesus dressed in full Scottish battledress, reaches forward , and with both hands, pulls the Claymore from the Rock and turns to address the crowd in the arena.
“ I am Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am maker of heaven and earth and I am the Holy Son of the Living God. I hold in my hand the two edged sword. And with this sword I will surely destroy all the enemies, this vast army of evil that you see here before you. This army that has dared to challenge the living God, this army that has exposed itself on the battlefield will be completely destroyed this very day. I see another army here before, the army of the Living God. You have gathered here today in defiance of darkness and tyranny. You have come here to fight as free men and free men you are, for it is I that gave you that very freedom. So you see with your eyes that you are few and they are many, you see that you are vastly outnumbered. Will you fight today? “No, we will run and we will live,” shouts a man from the crowd. “Yes, if you run now you will live a while. If you stay and fight you may die, but I have called you here this day to die in a battle that will be celebrated for all eternity. Yet for those who run and “live,” what kind of life will you live? When you are dying in your beds, many years from now, how many of you will cry out with regret, having lived a life of compromise and shame and know in your heart that you would be willing to trade forty years of compromise for one day of glory in this great battlefield of the flesh. This light against darkness. To be able to say to your enemies “eye, you may kill me this day and I may have to lose everything this very day but one thing you will never take, you will never take my spirit!!!!
Now the scene changes again. I am in the stadium or arena . Men of God form a semicircle in front of the crowd of young people. Behind them is a sea of flags. The flags are blowing in the wind. The flags represent the enemies that the Holy Spirit had just showed me. The enemies that attacked the turtles each had names and the names were written on the flags. Some of the names were Rebellion, lust, sex, drugs, beer, abuse, suicide, bitterness, hatred, greed, materialism, incest, rape, murder and many many more. The call is made to the crowd, its the call that Jesus has just made, “Will you come forward and die to these thing this day?” They respond to the call to arms and begin to move forward in obedience to the call. They run towards the enemy, they kneel and pray with the men of God and then move past them and with pure hearts and clean hands they make their way towards the flag that represents what they have just laid down, they pull up the flag and they break it over their knees and throw it to the ground. Freedom rings out into the night sky, the rejoicing rises up into heaven itself and all of heaven rejoices to see Satan's kingdom torn down and Gods young people taking back that which is theirs, that which is Gods, their very heart. And Satan trembles at the rise of this army…………..Amen
My wife and I and my youngest son were in St Louis for a weekend break a couple of weeks ago. We were driving from the hotel to listen to the St Louis Symphony on a Saturday night and the Holy Spirit came upon me. As usual this would not be a time of my choosing J yet I know from experience that the Holy Spirit is not a respecter of time.I kept on driving and I knew my wife was talking but I was caught up in the Spirit. Tears were falling from my face and the car was pretty dark so my wife did not notice. The Holy Spirit continued to move in my Spirit for the next couple of hours, all through the performance, and came in waves, one “scene,” unfolding after another. The grandness of the orchestra seem to only heighten my experience. I am sure people around me may have thought that I was deeply moved by the music, and the truth is I was somewhere else altogether.
The beginning of the vision was a loud booming voice calling all Christians to awake , “Awake you sleepy Christians.” “Who will ascend Gods Holy Hill? Those with a pure heart and clean hands. This was scene 1, a call to arms. Then the second scene unfolded. I saw thousands of baby turtles heading from the dunes towards the sea. They had a wide beach ahead of them. Before most of them could cross the beach and reach the water they were attacked by birds of every kind. The power of the air had come to attack them, seagulls by the hundreds making a horrendous shrieking noise as they feasted on their helpless prey. Birds of every kind joined the attack, swooping down and pecking and carrying the baby turtles off. Then from the dunes from where they came, came raccoons and critters of every kind to join in the frenzy and drag these hapless baby turtles away. Just when I thought the slaughter could not get worse, out from under the sand came crabs, crabs with large pincers which tore into the turtles and they dragged them into holes in the sand to be devoured. As all of this was going on, I could see Scripture framing this whole scene. “Many are called but few are chosen,” “Broad is the road that leads to destruction, narrow is the path that leads to life.”
Suddenly the scene changes, I am on a beach, but it is the scene from Saving private Ryan. Death was all around me. Young men being killed right where I stood and the severely wounded all around, desperately seeking for a place to hide, for some kind of barrier to protect them from the onslaught. There were kids with there innards hanging out and they were trying to stop them from spilling onto the beach, while screaming for their mothers. Men with their limbs blown of, the one man walking around in shock with his right hand carrying his left arm which had been blown off.
Suddenly the scene changes again. There is a Rock with a sword embedded into it. This sits right in the middle of an arena, like Kemper or arrowhead. This is also the scene from Braveheart.On strolls a man that is dressed like William Wallace in the scene from the movie where he addresses his vastly outnumbered army who are thinking about fleeing from the battle. The man, who is actually Jesus dressed in full Scottish battledress, reaches forward , and with both hands, pulls the Claymore from the Rock and turns to address the crowd in the arena.
“ I am Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am maker of heaven and earth and I am the Holy Son of the Living God. I hold in my hand the two edged sword. And with this sword I will surely destroy all the enemies, this vast army of evil that you see here before you. This army that has dared to challenge the living God, this army that has exposed itself on the battlefield will be completely destroyed this very day. I see another army here before, the army of the Living God. You have gathered here today in defiance of darkness and tyranny. You have come here to fight as free men and free men you are, for it is I that gave you that very freedom. So you see with your eyes that you are few and they are many, you see that you are vastly outnumbered. Will you fight today? “No, we will run and we will live,” shouts a man from the crowd. “Yes, if you run now you will live a while. If you stay and fight you may die, but I have called you here this day to die in a battle that will be celebrated for all eternity. Yet for those who run and “live,” what kind of life will you live? When you are dying in your beds, many years from now, how many of you will cry out with regret, having lived a life of compromise and shame and know in your heart that you would be willing to trade forty years of compromise for one day of glory in this great battlefield of the flesh. This light against darkness. To be able to say to your enemies “eye, you may kill me this day and I may have to lose everything this very day but one thing you will never take, you will never take my spirit!!!!
Now the scene changes again. I am in the stadium or arena . Men of God form a semicircle in front of the crowd of young people. Behind them is a sea of flags. The flags are blowing in the wind. The flags represent the enemies that the Holy Spirit had just showed me. The enemies that attacked the turtles each had names and the names were written on the flags. Some of the names were Rebellion, lust, sex, drugs, beer, abuse, suicide, bitterness, hatred, greed, materialism, incest, rape, murder and many many more. The call is made to the crowd, its the call that Jesus has just made, “Will you come forward and die to these thing this day?” They respond to the call to arms and begin to move forward in obedience to the call. They run towards the enemy, they kneel and pray with the men of God and then move past them and with pure hearts and clean hands they make their way towards the flag that represents what they have just laid down, they pull up the flag and they break it over their knees and throw it to the ground. Freedom rings out into the night sky, the rejoicing rises up into heaven itself and all of heaven rejoices to see Satan's kingdom torn down and Gods young people taking back that which is theirs, that which is Gods, their very heart. And Satan trembles at the rise of this army…………..Amen
Out of The Tempest
"No words can describe how much the world owes to sorrow. Most of the Psalms were born in a wilderness. Most of the Epistles were written in a prison. The greatest thoughts of the greatest thinkers have all passed through the fire. The greatest poets have "learned in suffering what they taught in song." In bonds Bunyon lived the allegory that he afterwards wrote, and we may thank Bedford prison for "Pilgrim's progress. Take comfort, afflicted Christian! When God is about to make a preeminent use of a person, He puts them in the fire." (George McDonald)
"There is more safety with Christ in the tempest , than without Christ in the calmest waters. The river would lose its song if you removed the stones. My soul, alas, needs these uneasinesses in outward things, to be driven to take refuge in God." (Henry Martyn)
"This hope we have is an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus. (Hebrews 6:19-20)
The word "Forerunner," in the Greek means a runner that goes ahead, a scout. In the context of Hebrews 6 the forerunner was a small boat sent from a larger ship unable to enter the harbor due to the buffeting by the weather. The small boat would carry the anchor through the breakers and into the tranquil waters of the harbour, thus securing the ship. The word forerunner also presupposes that others will follow.
This is a beautiful description of Jesus coming into the chaos of this world, coming aboard our ship, caught in a storm, and then leading the way back to the Father, not only leading the way, but making it possible for each and every one of us to enter into the harbour of peace and tranquility while just outside and all around us there is a major storm. To follow Jesus into the harbour, is to access the "Presence behind the veil," this presence is the presence of God. Jesus is the anchor of our soul, He will hold us steady and in place even in the midst of the most violent storms.
I talked to a woman today. She was caught up in a storm of bitterness, anger and unforgiveness for her husband on what seemed like a small and reasonably insignificant incident. What I saw in the Spirit was a woman enslaved to fear and insecurity and past hurts. Each of these elements fueled each other, they were three slavemasters. The original masters name was "past hurts." He went out and had insecurity and fear join him as they mercilessly whipped this woman.
I watched a movie one time. In the movie there had been a man who had been falsely accused of a crime and, bayed on by the angry townsfolk, three men stepped forward and took this man and stripped him and began to whip him. The crowd cheered as the man was punished and the men ferociously whipped him. At first he screamed and tried to get away, and the crowd cheered as he was pulled back and the whipping continued. Then he fell silent but the three men were in a frenzy. Now the crowd grows silent as the men continue to whip their victim, even although all resistance is gone and he lies face down motionless. One by one the crowd disappears and the man is whipped to death, unrecognizable. His tormentors are unrepentant as they finish their work, feeling nothing as they eventually kill the man.
This is a graphic illustration of what Satan and his workers do to their victims. They whip their victims with the cords of unforgiveness, bitterness , anger, hatred, murder in the heart and they will flog their victims until there is nothing left and all is lost in their soul.
If today, brothers and sisters, you have even the slightest of these feelings, or perhaps you are caught up in a violent tempest of hatred and bitterness and unforgiveness, you must look to the anchor of your soul. He has gone ahead of you and just beyond your temper, just beyond your unforgiveness, just beyond your despair, lies safe harbour. Grab a hold of the line(the word of God ) and pull on it (respond to that which you know is right) and you will find yourself once again in the tranquil waters of the Presence of the Lord. You are that close, do not let the Father of lies convince you that you are beyond the reach of God, does not God say in His word that "where shall I flee from your Spirit...........if I make my bed in hell , you are there." (psalm 139:9)
Some of us have made our bed in hell or we know someone that has. If they do not know Jesus, then Jesus will throw them a lifeline and pull them from the storm and into peaceful waters, if they do know Jesus, then that line is already established. Forgiveness is the line that leads directly to God the Father, praise God, He is that close to each and every one of us...............................Frank
"There is more safety with Christ in the tempest , than without Christ in the calmest waters. The river would lose its song if you removed the stones. My soul, alas, needs these uneasinesses in outward things, to be driven to take refuge in God." (Henry Martyn)
"This hope we have is an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus. (Hebrews 6:19-20)
The word "Forerunner," in the Greek means a runner that goes ahead, a scout. In the context of Hebrews 6 the forerunner was a small boat sent from a larger ship unable to enter the harbor due to the buffeting by the weather. The small boat would carry the anchor through the breakers and into the tranquil waters of the harbour, thus securing the ship. The word forerunner also presupposes that others will follow.
This is a beautiful description of Jesus coming into the chaos of this world, coming aboard our ship, caught in a storm, and then leading the way back to the Father, not only leading the way, but making it possible for each and every one of us to enter into the harbour of peace and tranquility while just outside and all around us there is a major storm. To follow Jesus into the harbour, is to access the "Presence behind the veil," this presence is the presence of God. Jesus is the anchor of our soul, He will hold us steady and in place even in the midst of the most violent storms.
I talked to a woman today. She was caught up in a storm of bitterness, anger and unforgiveness for her husband on what seemed like a small and reasonably insignificant incident. What I saw in the Spirit was a woman enslaved to fear and insecurity and past hurts. Each of these elements fueled each other, they were three slavemasters. The original masters name was "past hurts." He went out and had insecurity and fear join him as they mercilessly whipped this woman.
I watched a movie one time. In the movie there had been a man who had been falsely accused of a crime and, bayed on by the angry townsfolk, three men stepped forward and took this man and stripped him and began to whip him. The crowd cheered as the man was punished and the men ferociously whipped him. At first he screamed and tried to get away, and the crowd cheered as he was pulled back and the whipping continued. Then he fell silent but the three men were in a frenzy. Now the crowd grows silent as the men continue to whip their victim, even although all resistance is gone and he lies face down motionless. One by one the crowd disappears and the man is whipped to death, unrecognizable. His tormentors are unrepentant as they finish their work, feeling nothing as they eventually kill the man.
This is a graphic illustration of what Satan and his workers do to their victims. They whip their victims with the cords of unforgiveness, bitterness , anger, hatred, murder in the heart and they will flog their victims until there is nothing left and all is lost in their soul.
If today, brothers and sisters, you have even the slightest of these feelings, or perhaps you are caught up in a violent tempest of hatred and bitterness and unforgiveness, you must look to the anchor of your soul. He has gone ahead of you and just beyond your temper, just beyond your unforgiveness, just beyond your despair, lies safe harbour. Grab a hold of the line(the word of God ) and pull on it (respond to that which you know is right) and you will find yourself once again in the tranquil waters of the Presence of the Lord. You are that close, do not let the Father of lies convince you that you are beyond the reach of God, does not God say in His word that "where shall I flee from your Spirit...........if I make my bed in hell , you are there." (psalm 139:9)
Some of us have made our bed in hell or we know someone that has. If they do not know Jesus, then Jesus will throw them a lifeline and pull them from the storm and into peaceful waters, if they do know Jesus, then that line is already established. Forgiveness is the line that leads directly to God the Father, praise God, He is that close to each and every one of us...............................Frank
The Prodigal Bomber
Luk 15:24 for this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found.
Have you ever prayed for a loved one for a long time? You pray and trust in the Lord and you actually see that person getting worse, going from one bad decision to another. You talk to them and you share with them and you try to council them and convince them that everything they need, the answer to their deepest problems lie with the Lord Jesus. The deeper the trouble they get into, the more desperate we become some times in sharing Jesus. And yet, the greater their need, the greater their rejection of you and the truth that you hold out to them. You see them going down and you know in your heart that this beautiful light that is within you would be the answer to their seeming hopelessness and despair, and still they reject you. I would like to encourage every brother and sister that is in that category today.
This morning I saw an image of my son, call it a vision, call it a dream, be very cynical and call it wishful thinking if you like. Yet in my vision I saw my son standing beside me at the mens study on Monday night. I was introducing the men to my son. I was telling them how I had held him up in the air when he was less than a week old and that I had dedicated him to God, even although I myself had walked away from God at that point.
I was sharing how at the age of seven my son gave his heart to the Lord. And up to the age of 13 how we would walk to a home group together in the warm summer evenings and talk about the Lord and how exciting the prospect of Him perhaps coming back soon. I shared how that my son went into middle school and was bullied. How he went of the rails and I lost my son. We did not speak any more, just scream at each other. How he ran away at 16 and I found myself outside a house in Wyndotte County , where he supposedly had stayed a few nights, challenging the man inside to come out and fight with curses. How this was the lowest point of my Christianity and that I had, for a moment, reverted back to a life that I had long ago left behind because everything was spinning out of my control. How I got back home and fell to my knees, completely broken and cried out to God. How the Lord whispered to me , "let Him go Frank, give him to me, you just speak life into him." How the Lord asked me this question "What would have happened if the prodigal Father had not let the prodigal son go?" Giving me no answer, but the answer came from the Spirit within. I shared how my sons life got worse after I handed him over to Jesus. So many times tempted to doubt the Lord but never gave into the doubt. So many times having to ignore what was happening in the natural and trust the Lord that He was in charge and that there was movement in the spiritual.
Then in my vision I was standing on an airfield. It was WW11. Thirty planes had went on the bombing mission, 23 had came back, six had been reported to have been destroyed, and the last one was unaccounted for. The last one was my son. I stood on the airfield with many, just staring into the skies above. Straining to see any sight of the bomber. There was nothing. One by one the people that were looking walked away until I looked around and I stood alone in the field. I kept straining my eyes, yet there was nothing. At a certain point a friend came out and looked at his watch, he said "Frank, they would have ran out of Gas 20 minutes ago, cmon, its time to go." I told him to go on in, I would be there soon. When he left, the silence and the loneliness overwhelmed me. I just fell to my knees and cried out to God. Now it wasn't even humanly possible for my son to return. And as I lay there on the grass, I heard a very faint noise. My intellect told me that my mind was playing tricks on me. Yet, the noise got a little louder. I looked up but I could not see anything. There was clouds and darkness and nothing. Yet the noise remained, I strained my eyes again, hoping against hope, faith fighting against unbelief and there it was, only a speck in the distance, but it was certainly a plane. It was my plane , it was my son, and against all the odds and even the laws of physics, here comes the plane. It is battered and torn and only one of the props was working, but it was his plane and he was coming home. All those who had left the field now were back and were screaming and shouting with joy. Miraculously, even although all hope had been lost and all had given up, including myself, here came my son and the plane landed even although it was almost completely destroyed by the flack.
Now I am back at the mens meeting. And I say "This is my son who was dead but is alive again , he was lost but now is found."
Will this happen?Yes I believe it will. When it does I will be glad to report it to you. He has made me a promise and no matter what , I believe the report of the Lord. So many times we have to come to an end of ourselves and that is where the Lord steps in. And when He does, then all the glory will be His.
Perhaps you find yourself alone in the field of life today? Can I encourage you, you are not alone. Yes there will be times when every one you know will not stand with you, that things seem impossible, that you have come to the end of yourself, but do you know who you will meet when you arrive "at the end of yourself,?" yes, Jesus. Keep staring at the skies for that field is a field of hope. Our God is bigger than all that we can see. He sees what we cannot. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. All things are possible. Rest in hope, rejoice in hope, let expectancy do its work. He is pleased with our faith, and He is pleased when we come to Him and believe that all things are possible, it is in this diligence that we will find our reward.......Let the name of Jesus be glorified today...............Frank
If you know someone who needs to be encouraged today, please pass it along.
Have you ever prayed for a loved one for a long time? You pray and trust in the Lord and you actually see that person getting worse, going from one bad decision to another. You talk to them and you share with them and you try to council them and convince them that everything they need, the answer to their deepest problems lie with the Lord Jesus. The deeper the trouble they get into, the more desperate we become some times in sharing Jesus. And yet, the greater their need, the greater their rejection of you and the truth that you hold out to them. You see them going down and you know in your heart that this beautiful light that is within you would be the answer to their seeming hopelessness and despair, and still they reject you. I would like to encourage every brother and sister that is in that category today.
This morning I saw an image of my son, call it a vision, call it a dream, be very cynical and call it wishful thinking if you like. Yet in my vision I saw my son standing beside me at the mens study on Monday night. I was introducing the men to my son. I was telling them how I had held him up in the air when he was less than a week old and that I had dedicated him to God, even although I myself had walked away from God at that point.
I was sharing how at the age of seven my son gave his heart to the Lord. And up to the age of 13 how we would walk to a home group together in the warm summer evenings and talk about the Lord and how exciting the prospect of Him perhaps coming back soon. I shared how that my son went into middle school and was bullied. How he went of the rails and I lost my son. We did not speak any more, just scream at each other. How he ran away at 16 and I found myself outside a house in Wyndotte County , where he supposedly had stayed a few nights, challenging the man inside to come out and fight with curses. How this was the lowest point of my Christianity and that I had, for a moment, reverted back to a life that I had long ago left behind because everything was spinning out of my control. How I got back home and fell to my knees, completely broken and cried out to God. How the Lord whispered to me , "let Him go Frank, give him to me, you just speak life into him." How the Lord asked me this question "What would have happened if the prodigal Father had not let the prodigal son go?" Giving me no answer, but the answer came from the Spirit within. I shared how my sons life got worse after I handed him over to Jesus. So many times tempted to doubt the Lord but never gave into the doubt. So many times having to ignore what was happening in the natural and trust the Lord that He was in charge and that there was movement in the spiritual.
Then in my vision I was standing on an airfield. It was WW11. Thirty planes had went on the bombing mission, 23 had came back, six had been reported to have been destroyed, and the last one was unaccounted for. The last one was my son. I stood on the airfield with many, just staring into the skies above. Straining to see any sight of the bomber. There was nothing. One by one the people that were looking walked away until I looked around and I stood alone in the field. I kept straining my eyes, yet there was nothing. At a certain point a friend came out and looked at his watch, he said "Frank, they would have ran out of Gas 20 minutes ago, cmon, its time to go." I told him to go on in, I would be there soon. When he left, the silence and the loneliness overwhelmed me. I just fell to my knees and cried out to God. Now it wasn't even humanly possible for my son to return. And as I lay there on the grass, I heard a very faint noise. My intellect told me that my mind was playing tricks on me. Yet, the noise got a little louder. I looked up but I could not see anything. There was clouds and darkness and nothing. Yet the noise remained, I strained my eyes again, hoping against hope, faith fighting against unbelief and there it was, only a speck in the distance, but it was certainly a plane. It was my plane , it was my son, and against all the odds and even the laws of physics, here comes the plane. It is battered and torn and only one of the props was working, but it was his plane and he was coming home. All those who had left the field now were back and were screaming and shouting with joy. Miraculously, even although all hope had been lost and all had given up, including myself, here came my son and the plane landed even although it was almost completely destroyed by the flack.
Now I am back at the mens meeting. And I say "This is my son who was dead but is alive again , he was lost but now is found."
Will this happen?Yes I believe it will. When it does I will be glad to report it to you. He has made me a promise and no matter what , I believe the report of the Lord. So many times we have to come to an end of ourselves and that is where the Lord steps in. And when He does, then all the glory will be His.
Perhaps you find yourself alone in the field of life today? Can I encourage you, you are not alone. Yes there will be times when every one you know will not stand with you, that things seem impossible, that you have come to the end of yourself, but do you know who you will meet when you arrive "at the end of yourself,?" yes, Jesus. Keep staring at the skies for that field is a field of hope. Our God is bigger than all that we can see. He sees what we cannot. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. All things are possible. Rest in hope, rejoice in hope, let expectancy do its work. He is pleased with our faith, and He is pleased when we come to Him and believe that all things are possible, it is in this diligence that we will find our reward.......Let the name of Jesus be glorified today...............Frank
If you know someone who needs to be encouraged today, please pass it along.
Abide in Christ and Die
Gal 2:20 "I have been crucified in Christ, It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."
Hi Guys
Is there a reason why the Church today is so anemic? What is missing from us that makes us so like the world? What is the answer to the fact that the modern day church is not walking in the power of God? We see so many dynamic personalities, but we see so little of the Holy Spirit. The most dramatic presentation of the power of the Holy Spirit is a changed life. This is truly the greatest miracle of all, yet, how often do we see that nowadays? Perhaps we are more interested in a demonstration of physical healing, perhaps we regard that more highly that the changed life? Where is tongues in the church today? Where is prophecies? Where is interpretations of tongues? Where are words of knowledge? The absence of all of these gifts demonstrated, should be a serious sign of a chronic illness in the body. There can be no healthy body without these gifts being normative, for these gifts were given by God for the health and vitality of the body.
If I decide to take a branch from one tree and graft it into another, a few things has to happen. First I must prepare the receiving vine. It has to be "wounded." I have to make a wound in the side of the vine in order that it may receive the foreign branch. The closer the match the better the bond will be. Then I have to cut the branch away from old tree, prepare the end of it to closely match the open wound on the receiving vine, then finally insert the branch into the prepared wound. Then it must be held in place until it takes.
Brothers and sisters, Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. We know that the Lord "was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities." (Isa 53) Jesus submitted to the cross in Gethsemane, yet He still had to face the cross. In Gethsemane the decision was made, but on Calvary it was worked out. Peter followed Jesus and knew Him and loved Him and testified of Him and all of this while the cross of Calvary was still an offense to him (Mat 16:16-17, 21,23)
Let me ask you a question, do you know Jesus, or know someone who knows Jesus and testifies of Him and loves Him, yet, Calvary is an offense to them. The notion of dying and suffering , trials and tribulations is a horror to them that they would never willingly submit to. You see, you can be a branch, cut of from the world, yet never united into the wounds of Jesus. And if your never united into His wound, then you cannot abide in Him. It is only by being joined to His wound, inserted into His tribulations, that we can draw the power that flows from the vine. God Himself had to be wounded in order to receive Jesus, the God-man. He was not asking His son to do something He was not prepared to suffer Himself. How was God the Father wounded you may ask? At the height of Calvary, when He watched His precious Son become sin for us and turned away and then heard His Son cry out "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me," God the Father was wounded to the very depths of His soul in ways that only a parent who has watched their child die in agony can even come close to imagining. And we know at that very moment, " The veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." (Mark 15:38) What does the veil represent? It represents the covering of Gods heart, His chest if you like. When the sacrifice was complete, that which had been hidden from men in general, was revealed. God chose to show His presence to the world through His Son Jesus. So, through the wounds of Jesus, and the wounds of the Father, we are united into His presence and power that flows from His presence. Listen to what Andrew Murray says in "Abiding with Christ."
"It is a deep mystery, this cross of Christ. I am afraid there are many Christians who are content to look upon the cross, with Christ on it dying for their sin, who have little heart for fellowship with the crucified one. They hardly know that He invites them to it. Or they are content to consider the ordinary afflictions of life, of which the worlds children often have as many as they do, as their share of Christ's Cross. They have no understanding of what it means to be crucified with Christ, not knowing that bearing the cross means likeness to Christ in the principals that propelled Him in the path of obedience. The entire surrender of all self will, the complete denial to the flesh of its every desire and pleasure, the perfect seperation from the world in all its ways of thinking and acting, the losing and hating of one's life, the giving up of self and its interests for the sake of others- this is the disposition that marks him who has taken up Christ's cross, who seeks to say, "I am crucified with Christ, the Crucified One."
Is this you brother? Is this you sister? Are you crucified with Him or were you merely torn from the tree and never grafted into Him. Are you Peter who loves Him, Peter who testifies of Him but the Peter to whom the cross was an offence?If you are, then ultimately you will deny him, maybe not with curses, but certainly with the life that you lead, a worldly life. There are so many voices today in the church and out of it compelling the body to get all that they can get out of life, how that they deserve it, how that they should not be satisfied with their position in life. They should own everything or run everything because they are special. The truth is, brothers and sisters, that there are many in the church that "suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself. Now Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in perdition...........for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (1st Tim 6:5-10)
We cannot have peace and contentment outside of the vine. This is what the world is truly searching for and riches will never bring it. When tribulations come this year, and it is coming, it will not matter how much you own or what position you hold in life, it will be your peace that will enable you to survive. Those branches that are joined to the vine will rest in the peace of God, even in the midst of tribulation, those who are not joined to the vine will have "nervous breakdowns," and find solace, not in the life-giving sap that flows from the throne of God, but in drugs, prozac and the like, or alcohol or some such thing. If you know that you made a decision for Christ, that your branch was cut off from the world but that you never joined yourself to the fellowship of His suffering, I ask you to do it right now. How will I know if I have never done it ? You will lack peace and joy and contentment. You will be filled with all kinds of fears and you will be anxious. Surrender now , vow to God that your giving up everything for Him, that you will now seek your pleasure in Him. He is faithful and waiting. Do not wait until the time of tribulation, this is the mistake of the five virgins, do it now. If you do it, your branch shall prosper, your fruit shall be abundant and hang low and passers by will be refreshed by your kindness, you love, self-control, your joy, your peace and they will take from you, this is the way it is supposed to be. "And you will bear much fruit."...............................Frank
By the stem which bears me yet."I fear not the days to come,I dwell not upon the past,As moment by moment I draw a life,Which for evermore shall last.
"I bask in the sun's bright beams,Which with sweetness fills my fruit,Yet I own not the clusters hanging there,For they all come from the root."
A life which is not my own,But another's life in me:This, this is the message the Branch would speak,A message to thee and me.
Oh, struggle not to "abide,"Nor labor to "bring forth fruit,"But let Jesus unite thee to Himself,As the Vine Branch to the root.
So simple, so deep, so strong That union with Him shall be:His life shall forever replace thine own,And His love shall flow through thee.
For His Spirit's fruit is love,And love shall thy life become,And for evermore on His heart of love Thy spirit shall have her home. Freda Hanbury
Hi Guys
Is there a reason why the Church today is so anemic? What is missing from us that makes us so like the world? What is the answer to the fact that the modern day church is not walking in the power of God? We see so many dynamic personalities, but we see so little of the Holy Spirit. The most dramatic presentation of the power of the Holy Spirit is a changed life. This is truly the greatest miracle of all, yet, how often do we see that nowadays? Perhaps we are more interested in a demonstration of physical healing, perhaps we regard that more highly that the changed life? Where is tongues in the church today? Where is prophecies? Where is interpretations of tongues? Where are words of knowledge? The absence of all of these gifts demonstrated, should be a serious sign of a chronic illness in the body. There can be no healthy body without these gifts being normative, for these gifts were given by God for the health and vitality of the body.
If I decide to take a branch from one tree and graft it into another, a few things has to happen. First I must prepare the receiving vine. It has to be "wounded." I have to make a wound in the side of the vine in order that it may receive the foreign branch. The closer the match the better the bond will be. Then I have to cut the branch away from old tree, prepare the end of it to closely match the open wound on the receiving vine, then finally insert the branch into the prepared wound. Then it must be held in place until it takes.
Brothers and sisters, Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. We know that the Lord "was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities." (Isa 53) Jesus submitted to the cross in Gethsemane, yet He still had to face the cross. In Gethsemane the decision was made, but on Calvary it was worked out. Peter followed Jesus and knew Him and loved Him and testified of Him and all of this while the cross of Calvary was still an offense to him (Mat 16:16-17, 21,23)
Let me ask you a question, do you know Jesus, or know someone who knows Jesus and testifies of Him and loves Him, yet, Calvary is an offense to them. The notion of dying and suffering , trials and tribulations is a horror to them that they would never willingly submit to. You see, you can be a branch, cut of from the world, yet never united into the wounds of Jesus. And if your never united into His wound, then you cannot abide in Him. It is only by being joined to His wound, inserted into His tribulations, that we can draw the power that flows from the vine. God Himself had to be wounded in order to receive Jesus, the God-man. He was not asking His son to do something He was not prepared to suffer Himself. How was God the Father wounded you may ask? At the height of Calvary, when He watched His precious Son become sin for us and turned away and then heard His Son cry out "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me," God the Father was wounded to the very depths of His soul in ways that only a parent who has watched their child die in agony can even come close to imagining. And we know at that very moment, " The veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." (Mark 15:38) What does the veil represent? It represents the covering of Gods heart, His chest if you like. When the sacrifice was complete, that which had been hidden from men in general, was revealed. God chose to show His presence to the world through His Son Jesus. So, through the wounds of Jesus, and the wounds of the Father, we are united into His presence and power that flows from His presence. Listen to what Andrew Murray says in "Abiding with Christ."
"It is a deep mystery, this cross of Christ. I am afraid there are many Christians who are content to look upon the cross, with Christ on it dying for their sin, who have little heart for fellowship with the crucified one. They hardly know that He invites them to it. Or they are content to consider the ordinary afflictions of life, of which the worlds children often have as many as they do, as their share of Christ's Cross. They have no understanding of what it means to be crucified with Christ, not knowing that bearing the cross means likeness to Christ in the principals that propelled Him in the path of obedience. The entire surrender of all self will, the complete denial to the flesh of its every desire and pleasure, the perfect seperation from the world in all its ways of thinking and acting, the losing and hating of one's life, the giving up of self and its interests for the sake of others- this is the disposition that marks him who has taken up Christ's cross, who seeks to say, "I am crucified with Christ, the Crucified One."
Is this you brother? Is this you sister? Are you crucified with Him or were you merely torn from the tree and never grafted into Him. Are you Peter who loves Him, Peter who testifies of Him but the Peter to whom the cross was an offence?If you are, then ultimately you will deny him, maybe not with curses, but certainly with the life that you lead, a worldly life. There are so many voices today in the church and out of it compelling the body to get all that they can get out of life, how that they deserve it, how that they should not be satisfied with their position in life. They should own everything or run everything because they are special. The truth is, brothers and sisters, that there are many in the church that "suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself. Now Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in perdition...........for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (1st Tim 6:5-10)
We cannot have peace and contentment outside of the vine. This is what the world is truly searching for and riches will never bring it. When tribulations come this year, and it is coming, it will not matter how much you own or what position you hold in life, it will be your peace that will enable you to survive. Those branches that are joined to the vine will rest in the peace of God, even in the midst of tribulation, those who are not joined to the vine will have "nervous breakdowns," and find solace, not in the life-giving sap that flows from the throne of God, but in drugs, prozac and the like, or alcohol or some such thing. If you know that you made a decision for Christ, that your branch was cut off from the world but that you never joined yourself to the fellowship of His suffering, I ask you to do it right now. How will I know if I have never done it ? You will lack peace and joy and contentment. You will be filled with all kinds of fears and you will be anxious. Surrender now , vow to God that your giving up everything for Him, that you will now seek your pleasure in Him. He is faithful and waiting. Do not wait until the time of tribulation, this is the mistake of the five virgins, do it now. If you do it, your branch shall prosper, your fruit shall be abundant and hang low and passers by will be refreshed by your kindness, you love, self-control, your joy, your peace and they will take from you, this is the way it is supposed to be. "And you will bear much fruit."...............................Frank
By the stem which bears me yet."I fear not the days to come,I dwell not upon the past,As moment by moment I draw a life,Which for evermore shall last.
"I bask in the sun's bright beams,Which with sweetness fills my fruit,Yet I own not the clusters hanging there,For they all come from the root."
A life which is not my own,But another's life in me:This, this is the message the Branch would speak,A message to thee and me.
Oh, struggle not to "abide,"Nor labor to "bring forth fruit,"But let Jesus unite thee to Himself,As the Vine Branch to the root.
So simple, so deep, so strong That union with Him shall be:His life shall forever replace thine own,And His love shall flow through thee.
For His Spirit's fruit is love,And love shall thy life become,And for evermore on His heart of love Thy spirit shall have her home. Freda Hanbury
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